Future Shop

"The Nicer List"

Future Shop's target is younger than other tech retailers (notably Best Buy) and "corporate conscience" actually affects their buying behavior.

The agency created a responsive (and mobile-friendly) microsite that calculated how nice someone has been by scanning their social media history — Instagram, Facebook and Twitter — and tracking how positive (or negative) they acted online.

Nice words (eg. love, amazing, nice! thanks), positive emoticons, Facebook and Instagram likes, LOLs, etc., were used to calculate their "Nice Score." Future Shop then challenged people with Nicer tasks to increase their score and receive an even greater opportunity to win gifts or discounts from Future Shop

By incentivizing them to improve their score, the agency ensured that the campaign continued to be amplified across the target's social networks throughout the duration of the five-week campaign. "Nice" themed posts, polls and other content were posted and tweeted daily to keep the campaign current and on the radar.

There were 125,000 unique visits to futureshop.ca/nicerlist, 31,000 social media accounts were scanned and given a Nice Score (which translated into over 7,500,000 earned impressions across Facebook and Twitter). In addition, 320,000-plus Nice tasks were completed by participants in the campaign and click thru rates on the digital display ads were triple the industry standard.